Trudeau Government Must End Their Failed Safe Supply Experiment Before More Drugs Are Diverted

Ottawa, ON – Laila Goodridge, Conservative Shadow Minister for Addictions, and Todd Doherty, Conservative Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, released the following statement on the RCMP’s seizure of diverted hydromorphone pills in Prince George:

“After eight years of Justin Trudeau, drugs and disorder are common on our streets. The Liberals’ dangerous so-called ‘safe-supply’ experiment has ruined the lives of countless Canadians, while devastating communities across our country.

“The complete failure of this experiment was apparent again today after the RCMP discovered a massive supply of drugs in a bust in Prince George, British Columbia, including more than 10,000 narcotic pills, thousands of which were the same morphine and hydromorphone pills handed out through the Trudeau Government’s so-called ‘safe-supply’ program. It is apparent that these are taxpayer-funded pills diverted to drug dealers who then destroy the lives of the most vulnerable Canadians. This occurred in spite of countless promises from Trudeau Ministers and so-called ‘safe-supply’ advocates that there’s no evidence of diversion.

“It’s clear that Trudeau’s dangerous policies have only worsened Canada’s opioid crisis. In the eight years since Trudeau formed government, more than 40,000 Canadians have died from overdoses. Flooding our streets with dangerous opioids has done absolutely nothing to reduce overdose deaths. The so-called ‘safe-supply’ program must end now before more dangerous drugs end up in the hands of dealers to be sold in communities and schoolyards across the country.

“Instead of treating Canadians who are struggling with addiction, the Trudeau Government is instead providing them a managed death, and drug dealers with a cheap supply of addictive drugs. Our most vulnerable Canadians deserve better.

“Common Sense Conservatives will stop spending taxpayer dollars on dangerous drugs and instead fund treatment and recovery to bring our loved ones home drug free.”

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