In today’s competitive environment, everyone wants to be successful in their careers. There are excellent female leaders who, in addition to inspiring others with their outstanding achievements, have made it their life’s purpose to help the next generation of female leaders grow and thrive. Kristee Hall, well-known for her 23-year excellent career in Federal Grant Administration at various federal agencies, is one of a few exceptional female leaders who have assisted numerous young women in achieving professional success, particularly in the Grants Administration Field.
Only those who endure extraordinary challenges may boast of extraordinary success. Kristee is a prime illustration of this. She faced numerous challenges, including gender and race discrimination and workplace harassment, but she never gave up and saw each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
“My name is Kristee Hall. I’m a Micro-influencer, Mother, Author, Certified Life Coach, Voice Over Artist, Model, and Grants Administrator. I have 23 years of Federal Grants Management expertise from multiple federal agencies. I am an expert in my federal work, and mentorship and faith have inspired me to write following a recent return to the Maryland area.
I am a proud member of the National Council of Negro Women’s Northern Virginia Chapter. When assisting women achieve their professional aspirations in the Federal Government, I demonstrate enthusiasm and fire,” Kristee shared in introduction.
Every female employee encounters several hurdles, but new female employees have an additional set of challenges. To be successful, new and emerging Grants Management Specialists require highly qualified mentors such as Kristee.
“After a successful 23-year career in the industry, I am always a champion for new Grants Specialists who need a hand along the road. Here are five things that will help Grants Specialists in their profitable professional path, whether in the public or private sector:
Remember why you chose to enter the field. Whether you are performing a public service in law, research, health, or education, know that the work will be done to benefit the public. While the demographic is vast (children, students, the elderly, the sick, the well, or emergency situations), know that funding will be allocated to a specific purpose to modify a current circumstance.
You are a student every day! Embrace 2 CFR 200, as well as the regulations of your agency, non-profit, for-profit, state, or private company. 2 CFR 200 is the codified regulations and primary grant administration instructions that grant specialists learn. Once you understand and apply these regulations, you’ll be off to a terrific start in your grant career.
Network with grant organizations such as the National Grant Management Association (NGMA) or the Grant Professionals Association (GPA). These organizations provide “from cradle to grave” counsel to include information from Grants Professionals in many organizations. Networking allows you to stay up to date on current grant administration techniques and opens doors to opportunities you would not have had access to otherwise.
Participate in grant committees or workgroups. Choose or seek a mentor in the Grants Administration Profession. Senior Grants Administration Professionals have advised me throughout my career. The recommendation was always to keep a team or group of individuals on hand who I could call or meet with on a regular basis to ensure that policies and procedures were compliant and/or best practices for grant administration were followed.
It’s a fulfilling profession! During busy funding periods and site visits, you will be ecstatic about the progress your grantees have achieved. You may even be rewarded by the public’s admiration for fulfilling their aims. Even when I am challenged, I grin when I see the rewards that my beneficiaries obtain for their efforts and know that I have had an impact on someone,” Kristee recommends.
Everyone needs a career success guide, whether they work or want to work in any industry. Kristee’s career success strategies as a Career Coach could be a vital source of success for new and aspiring female professionals.
“Embrace change. Know that the work environment always evolves. Whether it’s technology or a change in leadership, changes are inevitable.
Seek interpersonal skills. Communication is the gateway to building relationships and creating alliances. Team building and seeking those within the career field that can advance your objectives.
Continue to grow. The best and most effective approach to training is to continue to seek learning opportunities through classes, certificates, degrees, shadow or detail assignments. As long as you are employed or even an entrepreneur, learning is vital to success.
Elevate your mindset. Whether you are challenged or doubted, know that you can regain confidence through developing or studying effective processes. Read and listen to positive affirmations and notes to yourself around the house.
Update your portfolio. Constantly update your skillset on your resume and seek free opportunities. Even a hobby or outside experience can help build your career,” she advises.
Kristee is a motivational author in addition to being a Grants Management Specialist and Career Mindset Coach. She is a 3 times best selling author in the following books: Faith for Fiery Trials, Volume III; Women of Virtue, Walking in Excellence Daily Motivational Journal and Girl, Get Up and Win Everyday. She is now working on two projects with Courageous Women Magazine as well as her solo author projects in 2024.
Kristee’s achievements are just too numerous to list here. Her remarkable achievements have been highlighted in numerous media outlets, including and
Thousands of young women work or want to work in Grants Administration and are looking for role models to help them succeed professionally.
Kristee Hall has undoubtedly established herself as an excellent role model for future female Grants Management Specialists as a result of her excellent accomplishments.