Marrika King-Ortiz, MS, LPC: A Model for the Next Generation of Wellness & Business Experts

Despite challenges, some female Wellness & Business Experts have distinguished themselves by training a large number of high-level executives and organizations through their groundbreaking approaches. Marrika King-Ortiz, MS, LPC, who has won multiple awards, is one of these female trailblazers. She is the founder and CEO of MKO COLLABORATIVE and Rodgers Counseling & Consulting Firm, LLC.

“My name is Marrika King-Ortiz. I am a Wellness and Business Expert, National Keynote Speaker, and Published Author. I have been a Mental Health Clinician for over 12 years. I’ve had my own private practice for over 5 years. I own multiple firms, such as MKO COLLABORATIVE and Rodgers Counseling & Consulting Firm, LLC. Through MKO COLLABORATIVE, we are pioneering a new landscape for leadership where leaders thrive,” Marrika shared in her introduction. Recently launched MKO COLLABORATIVE establishing a new era of leadership by providing wellness and business solutions through a transformative, innovative, and collaborative approach for new and emerging business leaders.

Marrika’s excellent services and accomplishments set her apart. Her focus areas include Leadership Training & Development, Mental Health / Wellness, Employee Wellness, Trademark Programming /Training, and Work-Life Balance. She received a Proclamation from the office of the mayor of the City of Milwaukee that, as of March 28, 2024, is Marrika King Ortiz Day. In addition, she received the 2018 Community Reviver Award and the 2023 Therapist of the Year Nominee, and in June 2024, she’ll be receiving an honorary Doctorate in Humanities.

Challenges can be viewed as opportunities, not just problems. A positive way of thinking may help turn adversity into success. Positive thinking means looking at problems in a positive way. Positive people focus on solutions rather than issues.

“Being a woman who leads in business hasn’t been an easy road. There have been many obstacles of red tape and glass ceiling in a male-dominated industry. I have taken the stance to stand boldly in any room that I’m graced to be in. I gladly take up space and allow my voice to be heard when the opportunities present themselves,” explained Marrika. According to Forbes writer Kumar Mehta, “investors continue to invest predominantly in male-owned companies. Women face more gender-based barriers to fundraising from both investors and banks” (2023, para. 3).

Women continue to be vastly underrepresented in decision-making in politics, businesses, and communities, which is very unfortunate. Women’s leadership roles may help them achieve economic empowerment, independence, and autonomy. Due to her vast expertise in training several executives and organizations, Marrika’s groundbreaking strategies may help new and emerging female leaders achieve new levels of success.

“Self-care is a PRIORITY, not a LUXURY, therefore, practice it daily. It can be as simple as taking 5–10 minutes to yourself to intentionally breathe, journal, sit in silence, take a walk, etc. Ask yourself daily: How am I going to fuel myself today and do it?
Allow GRATITUDE to lead you daily! Life will happen both professionally and personally but don’t allow it to consume you. Gratitude will cultivate a place of peace and happiness that can keep you encouraged and motivated on those challenging days.
Create a life that you don’t have to vacation from! Your life can be an oasis that’s filled with peace and pure joy! Map out your “ideal life” and execute the plan. Before you know it, you’ll be living it!
Respect and honor your own capacity—a recipe to avoid or minimize burnout! Establish and implement healthy work/ life boundaries to ensure a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. Don’t be afraid to use the word “No.” Honor your “No.” It’s a complete sentence and it doesn’t require an explanation.
There isn’t such a thing as a “glass ceiling” in your mind (if you allow it). It’s okay to be the first to do something. Congratulations! You’re a pioneer, a trailblazer; you are the blueprint for others to follow. You’re a born leader; lead and lead well,” advises Marrika.
Marrika’s accomplishments are just too numerous to list here. There is a wide range of career options in the Health and Wellness Sector. It would not be incorrect to suggest that Marrika has established herself as a role model for the next generation of female Wellness and Business Experts.

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