Ambassador Allama Ahsan Dedicated this Award to Country Pakistan

WASHINGTON D.C.: The Universal Peace Federation (USA) proudly announces the recognition of Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui as an a “Ambassador For Peace Award “, an esteemed acknowledgment bestowed upon individuals whose lives epitomize the ethos of selfless service and dedication to fostering universal moral values. His exceptional contributions to society have garnered international recognition, as he was recently honored with the United Nations Universal Peace Federation (UPF) distinguished award was presented by Dr. Michael Jenkins President, UPF International, Chairman, UPF North America and Mrs. Tomiko Duggan, Senior Vice President, Universal Peace Federation (UPF) USA. The ceremony drew the attendance of numerous faiths and community leaders, fellow Ambassadors, and esteemed figures from clergy and academia worldwide on February 03, 2024 at the Washington Times United States Headquarters in Washington DC.

The Ambassador at Large for Global Peace & Human Rights, Imam Allama Ahsan Siddiqui Chairman of the Interfaith Commission for Peace & Harmony (ICPH) which is one of the largest non-profitable organisations in the world and Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable for Pakistan (IRF Pakistan), a distinguished Pakistan global peace, imam of humanity, human rights Specialist with over 26 years of invaluable experience in strategic leadership, peace, bridge builder, interfaith harmony, education policy, diplomacy, ‎promotion of knowledge, education, peace, human rights and interfaith- and intra-‎faith harmony, social cohesion, integration, tolerance, and moderation. has been honored for her unwavering commitment to promoting strong Abrahamic family life, interreligious cooperation, international harmony, and the renewal of the United Nations.

The Ambassadors for Peace, acknowledged by the Universal Peace Federation, transcend racial, national, and religious boundaries, contributing significantly to the realization of a world united in peace. Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui’s exceptional work in championing social cohesion, religious freedom, integration, tolerance, moderation, gender equality, girls’ education, human rights, and the well-being of childrens, women and girls who have experienced violence aligns seamlessly with the Federation’s vision of establishing a culture of peace.

I am deeply humbled by the honor bestowed upon me as an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation. I am so so grateful to Almighty Allah for all the countless blessings and choosing me to serve humanity. I dedicate this award to my country Pakistan. This recognition is not just a testament to my journey but a call to amplify our collective efforts in fostering universal moral values, strong family bonds, and a culture of peace. Although I feel that my contributions are just minor efforts to bring peace and harmony in this world, however, I appreciate the recognition. Let us continue to transcend boundaries, working together to create a world where compassion and understanding reign, and where every individual, regardless of background, finds their place in the symphony of global harmony.

Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui, a well-known figure in the greater Pakistan, joined the World Interfaith Harmony Week Conference 2024 on February 03 for dinner and blessed us with inspirational remarks that truly touched everyone’s heart. He explained his spiritual view on how much God invested in creating man and therefore we need to love ourselves, and feel gratitude for our existence and abilities; that each human being regardless of background, religion or other definitions deserves respect and dignity.

To the UPF and everyone who witnessed his comments Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui is not just a great humanitarian services and Peace efforts and who deals for Human rights defender in Pakistan and around the world, but he is a deeply great spiritual man, who also has a great sense of love, humor, and humanity.

Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui’’s extensive list of accolades, including the Ambassador for Peace title (2015), the Outstanding International Peace Award (2018), and the Human Rights and Peace Award (2019, 2020, 2021, 2023), reflects her dedication to creating positive change nationally and globally.

In addition to her numerous global awards, Allama Ahsan Siddiqui’ s role as Founder and President of the Chairman of the Interfaith Commission for Peace & Harmony (ICPH) Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable for Pakistan (IRF Pakistan) and Secretary General, Albaraka Welfare Trust International (Albaraka Trust) further amplifies her impact, using her voice to advocate for the most Vulnerable.

In addition to her numerous global awards, Ambassador Imam Allama Ahsan Siddiqui’s role as Founder and President of the Chairman of the Interfaith Commission for Peace & Harmony (ICPH) Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable Pakistan (IRF Pakistan) and Secretary General, Albaraka Welfare Trust International (Albaraka Trust) further amplifies her impact, using her voice to advocate for the most vulnerable in society.

UPF appointed Ambassador Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui, a as Ambassador for Peace in recognition of his interfaith ,religious freedom, love, global peace initiatives and activities and presented him with a Certificate as “Ambassador For Peace Award “. The Universal Peace Federation commends Imam Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui for her outstanding contributions, recognizing her as an Ambassador for Peace, and celebrates her role in harmonizing the spiritual and material dimensions of life towards a unified world of peace.

About Universal Peace Federation

The Universal Peace Federation is an international organization dedicated to promoting peace through a range of programs and initiatives, emphasizing moral and spiritual values, interfaith cooperation, and the building of a global culture of peace. For more information, please visit www.upf.org

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