INSPAD announces 29th Annual Peace Awards 2024

The Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD), an international think tank, has announced the 29th Annual Peace Awards 2024 to recognize the extraordinary achievements and expertise of individuals and organizations in various fields. The awards are given every year to honor the contributions of peacebuilders, humanitarians, academics, activists, journalists, and leaders who have made a positive impact on the world.

The Awards nomination committee, headed by Mrs. Kishwar Aqeel, recommended the names of the following awardees in six categories:

Life Achievements Award
This award is given to those who have dedicated their lives to the cause of peace, justice, and human rights. The recipients of this award are:

Yasin Malik, an eminent Kashmiri leader who has been in jail for many years for his struggle for the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Dr. Pir Aminulhasnat Shah, the Chancellor of Al-Karam University and a renowned scholar and spiritual leader of Bhera Shareef, Sargodha.

Sir Dr. Ian Peter Anderson, the HRH Grand Prince of Europe and the Governor General of the Central Bank of the Kingdom of YHDH, UK. He is also a philanthropist and a patron of various humanitarian causes.

Sardar Abdul Waheed, a retired officer of the Armed Forces and a prominent social and political figure of Islamabad.

Prof. Dr. Haiyun Ma, the Chairman of the Zhenghe Forum, USA, and a professor of history and Asian studies. He is an expert on China and its relations with the Muslim world.

Order of the Peace Award
This award is given to those who have shown exceptional leadership and vision in promoting peace and harmony in the world. The recipients of this award are:

Duke Salman Ilyas Khan, the Chairman of the Global Kashmir Movement, South Africa, and a vocal advocate for the rights of the Kashmiri people.

Mr. Amer Mahbub, the Chief Editor of Daily Jammu Kashmir, a leading newspaper that covers the issues and developments of the disputed region.

Javed Iqbal Chaudhary, the Chief Editor of Daily Parlimantarian Times, Islamabad, a newspaper that focuses on the political and social affairs of Pakistan and the world.

Mr. Manpreet Singh, the Secretary General of the World Sikh Parliament, UK, and a representative of the Sikh community in the global arena.

Best Peace and Harmony Award.

This award is given to those who have fostered inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue, tolerance, and religious co-existence in the world. The recipients of this award are:

Shaikh Paul Salahudin Armstrong, the President of the British Muslim Association, Birmingham, UK, and a prominent scholar and inter-faith activist.

Mr. Liaquat Ali MBE, a former mayor and the Chairman of the British Muslim Mayors Association, London, UK. He is also a community leader and a promoter of diversity and inclusion.

Prof. Chaudhary M. Shafeeq MBE, a former mayor and the Chairman of the Council for Christian Muslim Relations, UK. He is also a professor and a researcher on inter-faith issues.

Sanawar Balam Advocate, a human rights and harmony activist from Sargodah. He is also a lawyer and a social worker.

Raja Irshad Khan, a famous peace and political activist from Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. He is also a journalist and a writer.

Best Academic Award
This award is given to those who have excelled in the field of education and research and have contributed to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in the world. The recipients of this award are:

Dr. Hamza Farooq Gebriel, a professor at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad. He is also a researcher and a consultant on various projects related to science and technology.

Prof. Dr. Yamamoto Kazushi, a professor of law at Japan. He is also a legal expert and a scholar on international law and human rights.

Mr. James Linton, the CEO of TILTI, a company that provides online learning solutions and platforms for various sectors and institutions.

Prof. Dr. Saeed Akhter, He is From Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus.Number of quality academic research papers are written by him.

Dr. Syeda Amina Bahar, an author, poet, and researcher from Azad Jammu and Kashmir. She is also a lecturer and a coordinator of the Women’s Studies Centre at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Best Humanitarian Award
This award is given to those who have demonstrated compassion and generosity in serving the needy and the vulnerable in the world. The recipients of this award are:

Dr. Muhammad Ali OBE, the Head of an education institution in the UK. He is also a humanitarian and a philanthropist who has supported various causes and projects related to education, health, and social welfare.

Shaikh Al-Moustapha Kouyeteh, a political and social figure from Liberia. He is also a humanitarian and a peace activist who has worked for the reconciliation and development of his country.

Mr.Shoaib Habib Memon, a Social welfare activist from Sindh. He is also Social Influencer and a philanthropist who has supported various initiatives and organizations nationally and internationally. & Promoted Pakistani Talent on LinkedIn From Several years Volunteerly related to education, health, and poverty alleviation.

Dr. Salim Al-Sous, the Director General of ME & Asia TV World, Lebanon. He is also a humanitarian and a media personality who has highlighted and addressed the issues and challenges faced by the people of the Middle East and Asia.

Dr. Tahir Lone, the President of the UK-Kotli Foundation, UK. He is also a humanitarian and a doctor who has provided medical assistance and relief to the people of Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Special Performance Award
This award is given to those who have shown outstanding performance and excellence in their respective fields and domains. The recipients of this award are:

Mr. Muhammad Ilyas Syed, the Chief Executive of the Paraplegic Centre, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He is also a paraplegic himself and a role model for the people with disabilities.

Kashmir Media Service (KMS), a prominent media news agency based in Islamabad. It is also a source of information and analysis on the situation and developments of Jammu and Kashmir.

Syed Muhammad Iqbal Qadri, an eminent Kashmiri activist based in the United Arab Emirates. He is also a businessman and a philanthropist who has supported and sponsored various causes and projects related to the Kashmiri people.

Prof. Ather Adnan, the Principal of the Askari Cadet College, Kaller Kahar, Chakwal. He is also an educator and a trainer who has imparted quality education and discipline to the young cadets.

Dr. Martha Kotu Uba,
a women and youth activist from South Africa. She is also a researcher and a consultant on various issues and policies related to women and youth empowerment and development.

INSPAD will organize a special prize distribution ceremony to present the awards to the awardees soon. The ceremony will be attended by the dignitaries, officials, media, and civil society representatives from Pakistan and abroad. The ceremony will also feature speeches, presentations.

INSPAD is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization that was formed in 1995 by Dr. Muhammad Tahir Tabassum, who is also the president of the organization. INSPAD has offices in Belgium and Pakistan, and is associated with various international bodies such as the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the European Network Against Racism. It is committed to undertaking peace initiatives in the areas of protection and promotion of human rights and social justice, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue, tolerance and religious co-existence, women’s empowerment, youth counseling, and education and research. INSPAD has a network of more than 5,000 members and associates from 50 countries across the world. INSPAD also publishes a quarterly journal, Peace and Development, and organizes various seminars, conferences, workshops, and dialogues on various topics and themes related to peace and development.

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