Prophet Nuh, Saleh, Lut, Shoaib and Hud (ES) didn‟t demand any wages or reward for the services of
prophethood and conveyed to the people that the reward (for subject service) was with the Rab (creator,
sustainer, guide) of the worlds (Surah ash-Shu‟ araa Verses-109, 145, 164 & 180, Hud Verses-29 & 51,
and Yunus Verse-72). However, for Prophet Muhammad (SW) while conveying similar message in four
verses (Surah Furqaan Verse-57, Saba Verse-47, al-Anaam Verse-90 and Yusuf Verse-104), in Surah
ash-Shura Verse-23, Allah (ST) states, “This is the (reward) for which Allah gives Glad Tidings to His
Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. Say (Muhammad): I demand no reward from you for the
services (of prophethood) except to display apex of loyalty (muwaddat) to my near of kin, and who
performs subject act (muwaddat), We shall reward him with increase bounty; surely Allah is most forgiving
and excels in thanking”. In subject Verse Prophet Muhammad (SW) was specifically commanded to ask for
recompense as an exception to other prophets..
In Arabic language the words ulfat (affection) and muhabbat (love) respectively pertains to personal
gratification; however, muwaddat pertains to apex of loyalty and entails esteem and honour. Loosing
wealth or bodily injury is far less than losing honour because everything is lost if honour is lost. Also,
affection and love are attached with the attribute(s) of the person focused on and may diminish if that
attribute or quality is lost. However, the personalities to whom muwaddat in subject verse pertain, their
attributes can never diminish because Allah (ST) has guaranteed to keep all negative influences away
from them (Surah al-Ahzaab Verse-33). In the battle of Ohad all the companions of Prophet Muhammad
(SW) deserted except Mawla Ali (ES) and Allah (ST) referring to subject occasion said that, in the battle at
Ohad it was intended to see who is the true believer (momin) (Surah aal-e-Imraan Versee-153 & 166).
However, it was supreme example of muwaddat at Karbala when on the night of Aashura (Muharram 61
AH), Imam Hussain (ES) blowing off the lamp asked his companions to leave in the darkness if they so
desire, but they refused to leave and everybody was present when the lamp was lit again! Muwaddat in
qurba is like fish in water outside water it has no life!
Prophet Muhammad (SW) when asked about his next of kin, He referred to Ali, Fatima, Hassan and
Hussain. (Tafseer Kashaf, Sahih Muslim, Musnad ibn Hanbal and Tafseer Durr al Manthur). On
emergence of doubts and objection in his followers when „muwaddat of Ahlul Bayt‟ was enjoined in
context of Verse 23 of Surah ash-Shura, Allah (ST) stated, “Say: (O Muhammad) I do not ask you for any
reward for the (services of prophethood), and I am not an imposter (pretender)” (Surah Saad Verse-86).
Moreover, Allah instructed the Prophet (SW) to tell the Muslims that you are advised only one thing, that
when you stand up for prayers singly or in pairs think whether your companion (Messenger) is mad, and
this reward (muwaddat) that is being asked is also for your benefit only (Surah Saba Verse-46 & 47).
Additionally, in 9th Hijra when the issue of Prophet Eysa (ES) fatherhood could not be resolved with the

Christians of Najran, Allah command the Prophet (SW) to invite them for contest- mubahylah (Surah aal-e-
Imraan Verse-61), and in this open contest of truth (صداقت (the Prophet (SW) took only highly truthful (صدیق(

personalities {Mawla Ali (ES), Lady Fatima (SE), Imam Hassan and Hussain (ES)} (Sihah Sittah).
Moreover, in the house of Lady Ummay Salma (RE) wife of the Prophet (SW) when the purification clause
was revealed: “Exclusively, Allah only desires to keep uncleanness away from you, O Ahlul Bayt! and to
keep you at the apex of purity” (Surah al-Ahzaab Verse-33), the same personalities were under the shawl
along with Prophet Muhammad (SW) {Sihah Sittah}. The Prophet (SW) said that, “my Ahlul Bayt are like
the boat of Nuh, who so ever came on board would gain salvation and who remained away would drown
and perish” (Sihah Sittah).
Offering five times prayers, fasting, giving zakat, performing Hajj etc. are all good deeds for which Allah
(ST) has kept rewards but never thanks for subject acts; however, muwaddat with Ahlul Bayt is a unique
deed for which Allah (ST) not only promises to bestow reward increase in bounty, but is also thankful, and
for such a gainful transaction Allah (ST) conveys good news to the righteous servants at the beginning of
Verse-23 of Surah ash-Shura.


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