Audrey Keenan: A Model for the Next Generation of Female Artists

In today’s male dominated society, the art world can provide women with a solid income for their artistic endeavors. As an artist, women can pursue a career in fields such as fine art, graphic art, or the world of digital entertainment. These may all assist them in realizing their aspirations, which are common to all women: being financially independent, becoming their own boss, and experiencing a high level of job satisfaction.

A few female artists have made a name for themselves in today’s highly competitive workplace and have come to be recognized as career role models in the art industry. Among these career role models is Audrey Keenan, an Edinburgh-based Scottish artist.

Audrey is a multi award winning master artist and designer. She is distinctive in that she expresses emotions in her paintings by using a wide range of colors. Scotland, London, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, South Korea, Busan, Bratislava, Dubai, New York, Italy in Rome, Palermo, Venice, Salerno, Bologna, Milan, Georgia, Switzerland, Jordan, and Qatar are just a few of the places she has exhibited her work. She represented Scotland as an ambassador at the Dubai Art Connects Women and also represented the UK at the Qatar International Art Festival in 2021. In March 2022, her work was exhibited in the famous artist exhibition at the Vatican Palace in Rome, where she received a certificate of merit.

In 2024, Audrey participated in many exhibitions and festivals, which took place in Matera, Italy, on April 24, Cannes on May 23, and Tunisia on May 25. Her abstract paintings were also exhibited in online galleries in many countries, including Turkey, India, Chile, Spain, China, and Italy. 

Audrey’s accomplishments are just too numerous to list here. She has received many awards, including the 2018 Michelangelo International Art Award, Rome, Italy, the 2019 Giotto International Prize,  the 2019 Best Modern and Contemporary Artist, the 2020 Golden Palm Award, the 2020 Best European Artist International, the 2021 Oscar del arte International Award, the 2020 Louvres Critic Award, the 2020 Grand prix de la cote d’azur International, the 2020 Greatest  Women of Art Award, the 2020 Leonardo da vinci International award, the 2021 Gandhi Peace Award, the 2021 Qiaf International ambassador award, the 2021 Qatar International Art Award, the 2021 Best Modern Contemporary Artist, the  2021 Olympic International Art Award, the 2021 Winner of apollo Cup International art competition Athens, the 2022 Paris International Award louvre, the 2022 Best Support International Award Georgia, the 2022 Best of Italian and international arte, the 2022 Qatar International Art Festival, the 2022 Qatar Creative  Fashion  Design International Award, the 2023 Guest Artist in jordan Amman, the 2023 Stars of Art and Market International Award, the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award, and the 2024 Blue Art Gallery Passion Competition. 

Audrey is a multi talented woman. In addition to being a world-renowned master artist, she is also a Reiki master and healer with over 20 years of experience.

Career role models are crucial for our profession because they may offer direction, motivation, and insightful advice. Seeing someone who has achieved remarkable professional success may inspire and drive us to pursue our own objectives. Professional role models such as Audrey may also act as mentors, guiding us along our career paths by sharing their experiences and giving advice.

“I believe success is not about trying too hard, but believing fully in what you are doing.

Manifesting. Know what your aims are, and visualize it happening as if it’s already been achieved.

Connect with people in your field and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.

Trust in your intuition and invite your higher power into any decision-making process. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

Always check to make sure offers are genuine and if you are in a position to commit. Prepare well in advance.

Treat every interaction as politely as possible and with dignity.

Dear young ladies, Know that you are a powerful being who has a soul purpose. Offer no resistance and be in a state of grace, gratitude, and awe. Coming from a place of love as opposed to lack,” advises Audrey.

Art is about connecting with people’s emotions. Artists have the ability to feel strongly about things, and they might use paint and colors to convey these feelings. They bring happiness, excitement, and engagement to their communities. In short, artists such as Audrey are the heartbeat of our society.

Due to her distinguished professional accomplishments, Audrey has become a career role model for the next generation of female artists. 


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